Philosophy 診療理念

現在歯科医療の技術の進歩は目覚ましく、私自身、新しい技術、知識の研鑽は怠ることができないライフワークになっています。 その中でもインプラント治療、歯周病治療、予防歯科を重要な分野ととらえ、重点的に学んできました。
三原デンタルクリニック 院長 三原俊介
We are at an exciting time for advances in dental technology, and we’re committed at Mihara Dental Clinic to staying on the forefront of what’s new and useful in dental technology as we believe this ultimately improves the quality of life of each of our patients. Our clinic mission is to integrate a careful and gentle approach to your dental care with advanced technology. This begins with our state-of-the-art CT Scan, which uses a safe and secure 3D technology to vastly improve scans of your teeth and mouth, therefore improving diagnosis, analysis, and treatment.
Our dental staff, led by Dr. Shunsuke Mihara, has extensive background and experience in general dentistry, oral surgery, implants, and periodontal treatment. The latter two are at the center of preventative care and anti-aging treatments in dental medicine, which is another focus of dental health at our clinic. Our ultimate goal, at any level of treatment, is to ensure you have the ideal dental health to enjoy the best quality of life possible.